Pavon y Traquetos en Colombia! - Part 1

Produced, filmed and edited by Joseph Daniel, 2013 — In February 2013 angler Rich Jorgensen, chef Brad Heep, filmmaker Joseph Daniel and Colombian author Nicolas Olano ventured into the southern part of Tupparo National Park via the Orinoco and Tuppao rivers in the Amazonian jungle of Columbia along the Venezuelan border in search of peacock bass. The park had been previously closed for nearly 40 years due to the presence of illegal cocaine manufacturing outposts but after several years of trying the group eventually secured access from the military as drug trafficking in the area was thought to have been curtailed. This turned out not to be the case and the expedition was forced to retreat back down the Tupparo by traquetos (drug dealers) and back up the northern part of the Park nearly 100 kilometers via the Rio Tomo. It was then that the fishing adventure began! This is the story of that trip.