Bluewater Bonanza in Guatemala

Produced, filmed, edited and narrated by Joseph Daniel, additional footage Steve Jensen and Penn Daniel, 2011 – Wild On The Fly anglers Steve Jensen and Rich Jorgensen travel with filmmaker Joe Daniel and his family to the Pacific coast of Guatemala. Lured by the promise of big sailfish on the fly, and the superb service and tropical comfort of Sailfish Bay Lodge, the group discovers spectacular natural environments, rich culture and an amazing offshore fishery. But can they get a piece of the incredible action being experienced by the conventional-gear/live-bait guys – using only 13-weight fly rods and eight-inch flies? The pressure is on!

            After an amazing tour of inland Guatemala everyone reconvenes at Sailfish Bay Lodge with only one thing on their minds - landing a big Pacific sailfish on the fly. The conventional gear guys are starting to lay it on thick and Steve and Rich are becoming tired of the hazing. Steve gets resolute while Rich goes to his lucky hat. These two guys aren't used to getting skunked, but can they turn it around on their last day? There's a lot on the line in this Central American fishing paradise!