The River Time Forgot in Mongolia

Produced, filmed and edited by Mikey Wier, narrated by Joseph Daniel, 2011 – Wild On The Fly is proud to present guest producer and fishing filmmaker extraordinaire Mikey Wier's exquisite production of The River Time Forgot. Mikey and Mongo Fly outfitters Peter Mullett and Geneviève Villamizare travel to Mongolia in search of legendary taimen. By chance they discover a previously unexplored river where Mikey hooks and loses a fish of exceptional size. The three vow to return someday to float the 140-mile length of that amazing waterway and fully explore the possibilities of monster taimen on the fly.

And they do, along with Warpath Flies designer Brent Dawson, and anglers Jeff Currier and his buddy Paul Cavanaugh to float through time and a culturally unblemished Mongolia. They have returned to the sacred water three of them had only glimpsed on their previous trip. Now there were scores to be settled with taimen bigger than they could remember.  This is the story of a stunningly beautiful, angling-intense, first descent of what is now revealed as the Ider River.